Witcher: Old World insert big box modification for sleeved game
Hello, this is my insert created for the board game Witcher: Old World. The insert contains holders for cards and tokens, that will take care for all those sleeved cards with 100micrones sleeves that arrived with game and all tokens in place :). Big cards goes into designed for them place in original storage solution. All cards related to Wild Hunt go to the big tray with space for mounted eredin. If you want, you can print an infill box for the deck, an empty space for dice, or whatever you want to use it for. I have a coin bag there. The card designation is set in one of the screenshots; the order in the box could be mixed as long as it fits. Each card holder has some little corners higher than a normal container for easier lifting. The lid and original card holder is not used in this design. All other parts are from the big box. To make it more protected I put skelige map above mages board. There is no difference in storage, but you will be 100% safe from scratches. I also did token holders for each character, but they are crazy in design but make setup faster for those few seconds :) Printed on Prusa Mini 0.4 PLA 0.25layer List of files with coresponding names for them. base game tokens.stl city cards.stl coins, nametags and mission marks and spare tokens.stl dagon+skelige event cards (with numbers).stl event cards (with numbers).stl firecrackers.stl infill box for card insert.stl legendary monsters attack.stl legendary trail tokens.stl legendary trail.stl mages action cards.stl monster attack cards + special attack cards.stl monsters.stl mutagens.stl player x12.stl potions.stl skelige exploration cards.stl solo, regular, witch help cards+roach.stl Trophy Cards.stl w.jpg weakness and skelige tokens.stl wild cards.stl wild hunt tokens.stl witcher action cards.stl witcher tokens1.stl witcher tokens2.stl witcher tokens3.stl witcher tokens4.stl witcher tokens5.stl witcher tokens6.stl witches tokens.stl witches tokens2.stl witches tokens3.stl witches tokens4.stl witches tokens5.stl witches tokens6-ciri.stl Like my creation? buy me a coffe :) https://www.buymeacoffee.com/animsparrow https://buycoffee.to/animsparrow <=for Polish users