Bushnell Launch Pro Stand

Bushnell Launch Pro Stand


I was looking for a quick way to setup my Bushnell Launch Pro monitor for my golf simulator. My simulator is in my backyard, and not permanently installation. This gives me a way to get the BLP to the correct height, level, and square to my hitting net. I had previously just had it sitting on top of a book. Optional features: There are some optional features to this print. I need to raise my BLP up about 1.5 inches to be level with my hitting mat, so I've added adjustable legs. If you do not need to raise your BLP, you could use double sided tape to fix the stand directly to your floor. The bubble level is there to see if the BLP is level-ish (I don't think it matters, but whatever). Lastly, I've added a channel in the front to hold an alignment rod. I find that this is a quick way for me to get my BLP relatively square to my target. I also tend to leave the rod in position for a visual cue during my sim session.



