Soroban wall abacus

Soroban wall abacus


This is for a soroban abacus. The bead on the top row are fives, the bottom four rows are 1 beads. Values higher than 9 are carried to the next column. There is a zip file with an scad file that has parameters for changing the the number of rows to accommodate as many beads as desired. Remember to print new rails to go with the new columns. There are two choices of beads LH1 if for printing with a layer height of 0.1 mm and LH2 is for printing with a layer height of 0.2 mm. The beads are designed to promote bridging that is depended on layer height. Each column needs 5 beads, one rail, and one rail peg. The models print without supports, but some bridging is required. The Different sized center pieces my be used to make an abacus with 7 to as many columns as desired. Traditionally, abacuses come in odd numbers of columns. I've found that using different colors for different columns works well. Translucent or shiny filaments may look good. Having a column of colored beads every three columns can show of thousands. Printing a test bead for each new type of filament and testing it on a rail to see if adjustments are needed may help to save material.







Math Art