Disposable Camera Lens Adapter for Micro Four Thirds M43
<h1>Re-Lens for Micro Four Thirds</h1> Don't waste the perfectly good lens inside your disposable film camera and give it a new life! I recently got a Lumix GF3 without lens and wanted a cheap lens. Instead of buying one, I decided to put these disposable camera lenses to good use :) The optics are definitely not great but I guess it has "personality" Will also release a FujiX version soon! <h2>Notes/Instructions:</h2> Please be careful when extracting the lens from the disposable camera. They contain high power capacitors that could hurt you. Print the lens with an opaque material to avoid light leaks. Some sanding may be required, in my case, I didn't need any. Slide the lens into position. I put into consideration the flange distance of both the M43 mount and the lens but due to variations in lenses and printers you may need to adjust the lens slightly forward/backward to achieve infinity focus. Disclaimer: I am not liable for any loss, injuries, or damages to your camera or yourself.