Beyblade gen 1 launcher (LR)
I am extremely pleased to release for the public my very own beyblade launcher! I recently got into printing beyblade models from generation 1, the classics and i am having so much fun. But after trying to print other stl models of beyblade launchers i have concluded that it was futile and I needed to make one on my own. I knew I could not make a beyblade itself but I knew fully well I had the basic capabilities to make a quality launcher. I reverse engineered a right spinning launcher I had with me and took all the important measurements I needed and developed a sleek launcher that is efficient and works and all you need is a printer. If you notice the pt that is extruding out that is no accident as i may want to expand upon this idea in the future. when i was younger I seen people 3d printing their own beyblades so i'm very happy to finally realize a dream of mine