Daihatsu Copen improved seatbelt guide
The seatbelt guides in my 2008 Daihatsu Copen suck, and the engineers know it. In the user manual, it says to only use them when you move the seat forward?? The previous owner clearly did that, and as a result, there are wear marks on the leather seats. The seatbelt also fell behind the seat from time to time. I designed this new and improved guide to fix those problems. I think they turned out alright. One side is completely flat and should face the bed. I didn't use supports in the holes to minimize cleanup, but you know your printer best. So I just used "touching build plate" supports to hold up the two square bits where the screws go through. If your printer has good adhesion, I'd try to print them without a brim to minimize cleanup further. Print two, one for each seat. Remember to mirror one of them. I printed with 5 or so walls, as I find that to be stronger than the infill settings.