Geeetech A10 -  Holder for Touchscreen and Raspberry Pi (Klipperscreen)

Geeetech A10 - Holder for Touchscreen and Raspberry Pi (Klipperscreen)


Together with my "Case for 5inch Waveshare DSI Touchscreen" this is an additional holder for a Raspberry Pi. The Raspi is mounted on a tray and can always easily be removed from the holder without any tools. Screw 4 of the 5 mm standoffs that come with the Waveshare LCD on the tray and mount the Raspi on the tray. If the M2,5 mm screws for the Raspi are a bit to long use the "Spacer.stl" Connect the ribbon cable from the LCD to the raspi and slide the tray into the holder. Push the latch into the two holes to fix the tray onto the holder. Additional parts needed: 4x M4x12 socket head bolt 6x M4 Washer 4x M4 T-Nut 2x M4x10 socket head bolt 4x 5mm Standoff for Raspberry Pi Tray (comes with Waveshare Screen) 2x M4x6x6 Heat Set Inserts 1x 15-20 cm long 15 Pin DSI Cable to connect the Pi With the Screen







3D Printing