Double Lancia Stratos Display Stand (1/64 scale, Mini GT & Hot Wheels)

Double Lancia Stratos Display Stand (1/64 scale, Mini GT & Hot Wheels)


###Any suggestion is welcomed! Feel free to join my Facebook group to let me know what you want: ###Custom display base are also available from $5! Contact me to discuss what you want! ###If you like my work, you can support me through Patreon: Description ==================== The display will fit all Mini GT release of the same casting. If you want the base to fit a different casting please send me the dimensions indicated here: The hole for tying the car might be small for Hot Wheels but I don't have the exact car for Hot Wheels to test it out. The display base is separated into 3 parts for easy printing and colour swap. The parts are: 1) Base - Base (Slanted).STL 2) Base back wall: - FlatWall.STL - LogoPatch2.STL 3) Flat Base: - FlatBase (Slanted).STL - FlatBasePlates.STL (print x2) 4) Front Tag: - FrontTag.STL Print Settings ==================== Nozzle size = 0.5 mm (0.4 should be printable and likely better) Layer height = 0.2 mm Filament change layer for colours on "FlatWall": 1) Start (Overall background colour, mine is in white) 2) Layer 8 (Side stripes colour, mine is in green) 3) Layer 13 (Center bits stripe, mine is in red) Nozzle size = 0.3 mm (0.4 should be printable but smaller better) Layer height = 0.2 mm Filament change layer for colours on "LogoPatch2": 1) Start (Overall base colour, mine is in red) 2) Layer 8 (Overall lettering colour, mine is in white) 3) Layer 13 ("1" colour, mine is in black) Assembly ==================== The car is tied by wires through the hole on the flat base and then tape to the base. Base plate should slide in nicely into the display base then the flat base plate will fit on top of it and the back wall should slide in nicely into the slot in the base. The original packaging will just slide into the space provided in the base. Transparent box seen in photos are Funko Pop protector box. Others ==================== Feel free to send me any feedback on how to improve the design. Suggestion on display base designs are welcomed too. I can be contacted through Instagram or Twitter too: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: ####Custom display base designs are available from $5! Contact me to discuss what you want!






