3D Printer Air Filtration System-Compact (AFS-C)
3D Printer Air Filtration System-Compact (AFS-C) ==================== The Air Filtration System was initially designed for use in 3D printers. It is intended for recirculation filtration either in a printer with a built-in enclosure or an external enclosure. Featuring a HEPA filter and Activated Carbon the filter is able to remove VOC and particular matters(pm 2.5 & pm 10). It can be converted to a HEPA-only or Activated Carbon-only filter for specific use cases. The filter cartridge can quickly be taken out and replaced. Because of the small form factor, it can be mounted on a wide range of machines. I've tried to make the form factor of the filter as small and as compact as possible. It can be printed on small printers like a Voron 0 (120x120). Many designs out there feature a HEPA or Activated Carbon but most of them do not feature both, that's why I came up with this design. ###Recommended Print settings Material: Preferably ABS*, PETG works too Infil: 40% Extrusion width: 0.4mm Wall line count: 4 Solid top/bottom layer:4/5 Support: on Above are the main things that need to be changed, other settings are dependent on the printer model and personal preferences. *It is recommended to print the parts in ABS, PETG (or even PLA) will work but ABS is recommended for enclosed printers or high-heat environments. Scaling the parts up by 1-5% can help to compensate for shrinkage when printing with ABS. (102% is what I am using) [Except for spacers as their size are already perfect, scaling will only be required if it doesn't fit. ] ###Printed parts 1x Base mount 1x Base cover 1x Filter Mount or Filter Mount Max 1x Filter Cover or Filter Cover Max 1x Separator 4x Spacers (Optional) 1x Air Duct 1x Mount for your printer (in development, if you'd like to help out join the [Discord](https://discord.com/invite/GWHTsEvbd3) server!) ###Bill of materials(hardware) HEPA filter (18x90x10mm) 1 Activated Carbon Pellets (not acid washed) 1 5015 blower fan (GDSTIME DualBall Bearing is what I use and recommend) 2 Magnet 6x3 12 M3x5x4 Heatset Insert (voron specs) 15 M3x5 fasteners (BHCS) 9 M3X20 fasteners (BHCS) 4 I understand that the HEPA filter is pretty hard to get, it is a custom size that I cut out of a big piece of lab-tested HEPA filter sourced from Singapore. I am currently thinking of selling kits but I'm not sure of the demand. ###Final note I would really appreciate it if you could give feedback about the filter and that will allow me to make improvements as well as determine the demand for such a product. Check out this project's [GitHub](https://github.com/The-Layer-Research-Lab/3D-Printer-Air-Filtration-System-Compact) for a [build guide](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WegTf6bddh7x7phcnoO4NG55IbVqwgYoXUHPxPr9i4U/edit?usp=sharing) and more information. I am unfamiliar with Markdown therefore you can head over to [printables](https://www.printables.com/model/467424-3d-printer-air-filtration-system-compact-afs-c) for better viewing if you prefer. (Mounts are also on printables)