Ender 3 Pro Body Kit

Ender 3 Pro Body Kit


Since I got my Ender 3 Pro, I have been thinking about having a body kit that would improve the whole aesthetics of the printer (currently inside a Lack enclosure). As you may see on the renders and the design, the 4040 side channels will be covered by the body, with space for the 4020 Z-Axis. One of the key points for me was to move the control panel to the front of the printer. I believe that the solution I found is quite good for daily usage and suitable for almost everyone. On the Ender 3 Pro, the display will sit just in front of the Y-axis, allowing the bed to move freely. I may also do a version for the Ender 3 4020 Y-Axis once this is finished. If you are interested, you can comment on things that I may have missed, propose ideas or changes. Follow for more updates. <b><h2>Download and all information on Printables:</h2></b> <b>https://www.printables.com/model/526342-ender-3-pro-body-beta-version</b> <u>The file provided here is not usable for printing and is shared for illustration only.</u>



