Bosch AdvancedTrimRouter Circle Jig
This is a circle cutter jig for a Bosch Advanced Trim Router (Green DIY version). Printed with ABS, other material should be fine too, I am not sure how PLA will act when things get warm. Biggest hole it can cut is ⌀36cm and smallest around ⌀10cm, the ruler is for the size of the cut from the center of the tool inserted, so you don't need to calculate it, make sure to measure yourself when cutting. Sliding part for hole size needs to be post processed, you need to cut M3 and M4 threads, see the pictures for the bolt and adjustment knob. M3 bolt head needs to be small, so it doesn't interfere with the sliding. The jig itself needs some sports when printing if you put it on the print bed like I uploaded, if you are confident with your printer, and it can't print the roller you can put it upside down and then you won't need supports, I didn't have a choice since I printed with ABS. Unfortunately, I can't print any bigger with my printer, that's why it is limited to ⌀36cm