Raspberry Pi 4 case mount with 30mm and/or GPIO options
Nothing new but I just thought I'd share my design. This was originally to mount a RPi 4 under a desk, which housed my printer. Then I used for multiple projects, such as a bird box. I wanted the case to be as thing as possible, to keep cool and allow air flow. To get the pattern and air flow for the top of the case, I used a modifier within the slicer (prucer slicer) and used the honey comb infill - with 0 top and bottom layers. Printed the sides slow, to try and avoid stringing, although that can be removed easilly. Options: Pi 4 Case with 30mm fan Pi 4 case with 30mm fan and GPIO access The brass inserts are M3 with M3 bolts. Depending on the filament, you may need to clean up the holes for the bolts, as I've made sure they are a tight fit to cut the threads.