Beer cap holder lightweight
First of all, I want to express my gratitude to the author of the original model for its creation and publication of the source code. What is the actual meaning of my revision. It's all about relief. A little data: the weight of the original model is 115g the weight of the lightweight model with a backdrop of 4 mm is 101 g the weight of the lightweight model with a backdrop of 3 mm is 93 g (when printing with 20% filling) The original holder has a 5mm backdrop. The photo shows a variant of 4 mm and it is strong enough, I can safely recommend printing a model of 3 mm. In the files you can find a small fragment of the panel to check the fixation of the lid and when printing two such probes, you can check the docking of the ellemento, which is important. I'll tell you more about this later. I also slightly increased the mounting holes from 3mm to 4.5 mm for more convenient mounting of the panel (very small screws are placed in the original holes with which it is not very convenient to fix them, and when drilling it is easy to reach voids in the part). General information and tips: Panel dimensions - 150x150 mm (excluding projections) The pitch of the covers is 30 mm 1) a mini fragment (probe) is cool. print it 2) set up the printer well to fully align the "elephant's foot" (a small edge formed on the first layers) the probe will help you. otherwise , nothing will fit together !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 3) personally, I plan to collect a collection of a large number of fragments and I want to be able to easily and simply outweigh all the panels if necessary. according to this, I will attach everything to the daily layer, which will serve as a standard punch panel for the tool (it has a pitch of 25 mm holes - this is the standard). by attaching everything to the punch panel, the entire resulting structure can be easily outweighed and attached to 1 or 2 fasteners on the wall. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks dagidoeg!