Ender 3 Pro Fang for DirectDrive with BLTouch (almost no supports)

Ender 3 Pro Fang for DirectDrive with BLTouch (almost no supports)


As couldn't find a fang that would fit my needs I made it myself and borrowed the duct from here. Mine has nozzle fan bit to the side as in original it wasn't going along with BMG Dual Drive. It requires minimal support - only in two places marker magenta on slicer screenshot. Same screenshot shows proper orientation for printing. Print fairly easily and screws nicely altogether. (1x10mm, 1x15mm, 2x20mm screws) Extruder matches nozzle in X/Y almost to the mil. I've implemented also cable guide system in the part. Mind your E motor will need extension cable !!! You can reuse your bowden tube as well using a separate stl called bowden block. There is a second motor bracket with space to ziptie the cable but I didn’t find use for it, maybe someone will.



