Sector Fronteris Auspex Shrine cable (for changing direction)

Sector Fronteris Auspex Shrine cable (for changing direction)


I wanted my Sector Fronteris Auspex Shrine's dish to face the other direction, because I thought it looked better (and I can't help making everything more complicated). So here it is. An S-shaped cable. Wow. It's not an exact match for the original, just in a similar style. To use this cable: * Piece 21, the original cable, needs to be cut. You want to keep the end pieces, as seen in the photos. The rest you can discard or use for something else. * It gets replaced with this part. Again, fairly self-explanatory from the photos. * You can stop here if you want, _but_ your dish will not have the same range of elevation adjustment - barely any, in fact. This is because the central pivot piece is asymmetric. This might be acceptable - after all, this is a terrain piece, not an action figure. But let's face it, we like our Warhammer playsets. * To get more motion back, you simply need to enlarge the smaller hole on the side of the piece so that it fits the other way on the side supports. Don't worry about it being loose - it's the outside that causes the friction to hold it in place, not this inner part. And that's it.



