RX8 Reverse Camera License Plate Light Conversion
Do you own an RX8 or RX8 R3 and you've wondered why there is a gap/space in the back bumper where the number plate sits. Does it bug you to the point where you want to utilize it!. Aim of this Thing is to add a reverse camera to your awesome RX8. Give it that modern lick of comfort. Knowing your not going to back in to something and ruin your day. ===================================================================== Versions of kits ===================================================================== On this thing there are multiple different versions. Depends on what rout you want to take. - Version 1 : This version is a direct replacement for the plastic transparent cover that sits in the original license plate light frame. The plate allows you to clip it in and fasten a camera to the outside of it. (This version will need an original light frame or you can print the provided "Version 1" Plate light mount. - Version 2 : This version is a dirent replacement. all that needs to be done is it to be print and slotted in to place in the empty slot. Make sure to mount the camera first before installing. - Version 3 : This version is a direct repalcement. However, does not use tabs to secure it. This version was designed to use a captive vibration nut/nylon nut (M3) and a M3 screw. This is for the much easier to remove out of the 3. as tabs may break on ver1&2. ===================================================================== Printing setup ===================================================================== When i printed one for my vehicle. I used CF Nylon filement. This was for strength as well as warping temp. Which is much higher than the standard PLA. So when pring this (as it is a functional mount). Would suggest the bellow: - CF Nylon - ABS - PETG If you want to risk it (to be fair i see no issues with using PLA for this as the part is mostly shaded. No direct sunlight). Use PLA. Infill for this part i used 45%. Not really got gaps to fill. with in the body of it. so results tend to be more like 100%. Printed part on my end: Printer used as a Sidewinder X1 Filemant was CF Nylon Bed temp was 75℃ Hot End was 260℃ Infill was 45% Supports were used. Done on a raft also to make sure there was no warping of the part. (Usually the issue with high temp prints)