Low Poly Toy Top
To create a low poly top, I went back to the original Blender files for my [Ultimate Open Top 2](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4870967), turned off the subdivision modifier that took it from medium poly to super high poly, then set about simplifying it (mostly with A LOT of merge vertices commands). Then, I made additional changes so it would look it's best with relatively few polygons. I intended this to be printed in 2 pieces, then glued using CA (super glue). The top prints easily and goes together well that way. With the central ring having only 12 sides, aligning the two pieces is easy. For those who want to print the top in once piece or slice it differently, I've also provided the whole top as a single STL. **Want to show off your top?** Download my [Display Stand for Tops](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:6094353). It's pictured in the cover photo.