Ultimate Bookshelf Speakers 4" (passive)

Ultimate Bookshelf Speakers 4" (passive)


After printing and listening to guppyk2's 4" back horn speaker enclosure, I was thinking that a traditional sealed box might do "Better". I noticed with the back horn design, it was really good at projecting the mid-range frequencies, but it left much to be desired in the area of bass. Also, I'm using these Infinity Reference speakers - (REF-4032CFX) which are a 2-way design. I don't believe a 2-way speaker is a good design for the back horn box because the separate tweeter does not get any benefit from the horn, making the speaker out of balance. I designed this box, which has .18 cubic feet of volume for a pair of 3" Dayton Audo speakers I have. Dayton provides all of the T/S parameters for that speaker, so the box design was easy. But sadly, Harman, the owners of the Infinity brand, don't have any of this info for their reference speaker. Infinity isn't the same brand I knew as a kid... Anyhow, they did say their speaker will perform best with a sealed box. Since I already designed a box for the 3" speaker, I decided to make a front cover that removed the port and took a 4" speaker. This is what we have here - a sealed box for a 4" speaker. My design has a "basket" behind where the speaker is mounted so that the polyfill stuffing does not touch the cone of the speaker. I am very impressed at how these speakers are now performing. The frequency range of the speaker is greatly improved over the Horn enclosure and just sounds wonderful. These Infinity speakers are very affordable on Amazon, and I would recommend this build to any audio enthusiast. I don't recommend using different speakers for this built, but they will probably work if you do. The Thiele-Small parameters of a speaker are what dictate the box design. Simply putting speakers into a random box doesn't ensure it will sound good. But, if you are going to use different speakers, you will need to design a mounting plate (or adapter) for your speakers bolt pattern. The ones I included are for the infinity speaker. Ingredients: PETG 2x REF-4032CFX 2x Push in Type Right Angel Stereo Speaker Terminal Speaker wire Polyfill stuffing 3mm screws Glue Adhesive rubber feet You will need an amp to run these. I recommend Fosi Audio. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07B8TKWS1/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B06XK7GZ17/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1






