120mm Mecanum Wheel
<h1> "Mostly" 3D printed mecanum wheel </h1> It was designed with Leo-Rover in mind, but it can be easily adapted to any robot of similar size. You can see it moving here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8sfRgcv9Z7o The .STEP files provided can be easily imported into most CAD tools, which lets you create your own mounting solution. <h1> Details </h1> <ul> <li>⌀120mm (5") diameter</li> <li>60mm (2.5") thick </li> <li>Up to 10kg load per wheel</li> </ul> (Tested by my 60-something kg self standing on the rover and moving around. It did not break under 15kg/wheel, but under constant load material fatigue might be a problem). <h3> 3D printed parts </h3> <ul> <li>Rim (1 per wheel)</li> <li>Sides (2 per wheel)</li> <li>Rollers (12 per wheel)</li> </ul> <h3> non-3D printed parts </h3> <ul> <li>693 ball bearing (24 per wheel) (3x8x4 mm)</li> <li>M3 threaded rods (12 per wheel) 75mm long</li> <li>M3 nuts (24 per wheel) </li> <li>M3 washers (24 per wheel) </li> </ul> <h1> Assembly </h1> Wheels come in two types L-type and R-type. Most robots use **two of each type**. ** Rollers ** Print and prepare all the necessary parts, then assemble the rollers by following the image below. Leave the nuts loose. The bearings should fit snuggly into their holes. <img src=https://i.imgur.com/5i79Gx2.png> If you decide to print the rollers called "roller_heat_shrink_cover" You'll have to do one additional step. Cut a 55-60mm long piece of heat shrink tube (with inner diameter of >=20mm before shrinking),place it on the roller and heat it up. Covering the rollers with this additional layer makes the wheels run both smoother and quieter. <img src=https://i.imgur.com/Ee0FBoP.png> **Inner rim** It's not entirely necessary to use it, but without it the whole wheel will be far less rigid, which lowers limits the maximum load they can take. If you are printing a rim that i provide -those that fit Leo Rover - you'll need 12 x M5 heat set threaded inserts. Push them into the holes in the rim using a soldering iron. <img src=https://i.imgur.com/VqgV8VI.png> ** Wheel ** Attach the rollers to one of the sides of the wheel <img src=https://i.imgur.com/1CtIgWW.png> **If you are using any type of inner rim, this is the point to put it inside and screw it into place. ** Whether you are using or not using the inner rim, this is the hardest part of the whole assembly. Allign all the roller shafts with holes in the second side plate of the wheel and tighten the nuts. <img src=https://i.imgur.com/768ZhCD.png> <img src=https://i.imgur.com/SpvBIaU.png> <h1> That's it - good luck </h1> Assembly of those wheels is an incredibly annoying process and it gets teadious really fast. But it's really rewarding when it's done. <h1> If you have any problems/questions/sugestions, leave a comment and I'll try my best to help you. </h1>