Solar Powered House Number Backlight
We have always had trouble with delivery drivers finding our house numbers at night. Our house numbers are welded into the front of the house, and it's tough to route power to that area. To address our address problem, I bought a cheap solar light on Amazon and took the guts out to make a custom LED backlight for our house number sign. The Amazon listing has since been taken down, but here is the original link: I had to break this into two parts so it could print more quickly and fit in my machine. You will need to harvest the LED strip, solar panel and control assembly, and the diffusing panel from the original light assembly. In the complete photos, you can see I glued the two printed parts together and spray painted to match the front of my house. I also used a clear silicone caulking to seal the wires coming into the top of the LED holder. This is pretty specific geometry to my house and situation, but maybe it'll spark something for somebody else's project!