Balanced 260mm (11") Spice Rack, for 4" lazy susan turntable bearing
I modeled this in an afternoon for my folks, because I had used the same bearing in my food dehydrator dry box project. This design has circular spice cutouts, so the spices do not shift around, and every cutout is spaced the exact same distance from the center. This ensures the rack has evenly distributed weight, giving a perfectly smooth, wobble-free spin. The rack is designed to barely fit an 11" deep by 9" high shelf space: - It will slightly edge over the shelf lip, and into the void behind the cabinet door. - It will hold 13 McCormick size (48mm), and four large "Johnny's Salt" size (58mm). - It will hold four half-height (48mm) spices, with enough clearance to lift and remove. The bearings I used are $5/ea or $7/2pk: I used CA glue to bond the printed pieces, and the turntable bearing corner tabs. The base (under the bearing), and the main rack (over the bearing), are recessed with a 95mm wide square cutout, that centers the turntable bearing. You'll need to print these pieces together, for one complete unit: - 300mm print beds: Base + MainNoQuadrants + Upper - 210mm print beds: Base + QuadrantA+B+C+D + Center + Upper You must enable supports, for the main rack or quadrants prints. The slightly recessed area underneath is where the turntable bearing goes.