Ride Height Gauge That Actually Works Well When 3D Printed

Ride Height Gauge That Actually Works Well When 3D Printed


I have finally come to this final design after testing and trialing several other ones that failed miserably. It is a ride height gauge for RC cars that goes from 4.5 to 5 to 5.5 to 6 mm. I'm not going to include any printing recommendations because I know your probably not going to listen to me (I wouldn't)… except I super duper think that 50% infill is probably good because that's what I had and it worked out very well. Just gonna also let you fellas know that I printed in PLA+ and it worked good as. I don't have printed on number because I don't know, cant be stuffed, I actually wrote them on after print, you do the same, shut up. Ok, so this print actually works (others on this site that I've tried have not) so you had better use it. and this is coming from a bloody professional RC man. It has illustrated "Gauge of Death" on the side because I actually put it on there.







R/C Vehicles