Skymax 180 Maksutov telescope sun/solar filter
Hi, First of all: - Never look directly at the Sun with the naked eye or with an optic (unless you have the proper solar filter). Permanent and irreversible eye damage may result. - Never use your optic to project an image of the Sun onto any surface. Internal heat build-up can damage the optic and any accessories attached to it. - Never leave your optic unsupervised. Make sure an adult who is familiar with the correct operating procedures is with your optic at all times, especially when children are present. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This is a solar filter frame, based on the AstroSolar filter (200x290mm sheet) from Baader. Of couse any filter sheet can be used, be careful about the film quality! Use white filament to limit over heating and the risk of melting. I suggest you to use filament with high melting point like ABS or PETG (what I have used). How to assemble it: - Spread out the film on a clean surface. - Apply glue on B part. (Cyanoacrylate for exemple) - Center B part on the film (C). (B is a bit wider than the sheet) - Ajust the film by cutting it 2-3mm shorter than B part external diameter. (to permit the glue to stick to the film AND B part) - Apply glue on D part. (as a security paranoid I have use another type of glue for plastic ex. Hasulith) - Insert B part in D and let it dry. - Add foam in D part following my photos, I have used 2mm thick foam, DO NOT make it sealed, the pressure when you insert it on the scope or the vacuum when you remove it may damage the film. - Enjoy ! Under the sun, the film is perfectly tense. Use the covers to protect the film when not used. Be safe and look up to the sky.