OLM2 Air Assist and Protection incl Height measurer

OLM2 Air Assist and Protection incl Height measurer


Without a doubt my best design! I've been using it for over 2 years so the details are a litte bit fuzzy, but printing this will give you a much safer, effective and easier Ortur Laser Master 2. Air Assist tubing can be connected on the side using a (i think) M8 connector for 9/8mm (outer/inner) tube. The "skirt"/protection can be added do make sure only eyes staring at the beam straigt from the side are in the danger zone. Friends and family walking in the room does no longer risk accidentally looking at the laser. The square hole are for "measurement sticks" (also added here) on which you can draw a line with a pen when you achieve the perfect focus (if your laser has static focal point and can be moved up and down). Getting this perfect focus/distance or any other distance depending on your need (cutting for instance where you want your focal point to be a little bit lower) are now done in a breeze. The tube holder are optional but makes for a nice and safe tube connection.







3D Printing