Tofty's Obsidian Weapons 28mm
Late last year, as I was getting back into miniature wargame modelling, I was trying to think of a new faction for sci-fi games like 40k. A lot of armies are just transposed fantasy tropes and I wanted to get away from that. I very much failed, but that was the initial thought process. I first considered something along the lines of what an entity that had transcended the need for a traditionally organic form would present as, similar to those found in some Star Trek TOS episodes. Then I thought of the forms of the Angels from Evangelion; specifically Ramiel (the drilling cube), so I settled on some kind of an angular, non-organic organic creature. After playing around with intersecting cubes; it reminded me of bismuth crystals, so I started looking for images of bismuth and if anyone else had explored this idea. That's when I discovered Cult of Pickles' Bismuth Golems over on MMF: These were better than anything I could do, so I decided to use them as a basis for modification. Since these were conceived as D&D monsters; they completely defeated my intention of a non-fantasy derived army, but there's always next time (says the man currently working on Space Dwarves). These weapons are what I came up with for this Bismuth Warrior army. They are supposed to have a glossy obsidian look to them, as if they were formed from the planetary rock, just like the Bismuth Warriors. The gun is a form of magma launcher, while the blade holds an edge of unparalleled hardness and sharpness. The short bit of lore that I'd considered for them was that they were an experiment into non-organic life by the old ones, but their experiments were abandoned after no discernible sentience appeared after many millennia. However the resultant entity was initially operating on a much slower relative time frame and any response from it was not perceivable to other forms of life. Over millions of years, following the fall of the old ones, the living rock's crystalline neural matrix became more complex and efficient, allowing for it to match and them greatly surpass the intellect of organic creatures. The isolation of the entity and the otherwise barren planet it considered home, was suddenly broken after so long, by a mining expedition of Squats. The entity quickly formed the Bismuth Warriors as a vanguard to confront these invaders.....