Fully Printed Subwoofer v1

Fully Printed Subwoofer v1


These are the essential components of a 3D printed speaker; you need to add magnets and copper wire and get the plates cut from a local or online laser cutter. The Surround should be printed in TPU, or this speaker may not work. I used Varioshore Foam, which should work with everything from 85A to 97A. It will just change the frequency response (higher shore hardness = high-frequency response-- 85A will act as a small woofer, and 97A should act like a mid) Magnets are as follows - read the info at the following link before continuing: https://www.stanfordmagnets.com/are-magnets-dangerous.html#:~:text=Precautions%20in%20Daily%20Life%201%20Pinching%3A%20Strong%20magnets,devices%20are%20sensitive%20to%20strong%20magnetic%20fields.%20 20 - 3/8"OD x 3/4" height magnets - THESE MAGNETS ARE VERY STRONG -THEY WILL HURT YOU AND DAMAGE THINGS SENSITIVE TO MAGNETS MAGENTS OF THIS SIZE AND STRENGTH ARE DANGEROUS; THEY CAN SHATTER IF LET FLY TOWARDS EACH OTHER, AND CAN ALSO PINCH AND CUT SKIN OR EVEN BREAK SMALL BONES, ESPECIALLY WHEN USED WITH SHARP LASER CUT STEEL- USE THESE DESIGNS AT YOUR OWN RISK - WEAR PROPER PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) Also, need: 3- M4 x 16mm 6-M5X12mm Copper wire is magnet wire with a .3 mm OD. I used enough to set it up at 3.7 OHMs. You'll have to check your manufacturer wire spec for OHM per 1000 ft and then do conversion math to get your desired OHM rating. I also used a coil winder to get a smoother and cleaner coil wrapping; you can do this by hand. It just takes longer. --MAKE SURE YOUR AMP IS RATED FOR THE OHM YOU'RE WIRING FOR-- You can always wire higher than your amps rated OHM but never lower. Magnet bodies/coil should be printed in PETG as they can get warm. - DURING TESTING, I MELTED THE FORMER FOR THE COIL USING A LARGE AMP (300 WATTS) - KEEP THE WATTS AT A REASONABLE LEVEL - OR IT WILL MELT The Cone was printed in vase mode due to the thin walls. Everything else can be printed in PLA, PETG, ABS, etc. Make sure to use full cone bodies for vase mode and omit top and bottom layers. Voice coil can be printed in vase mode as well. Video Link: https://youtu.be/9fJB_zfQRvo?si=iEG9SGVuIluZS_mw






