Rebel Pilot Helmet (X-wing Starfighter)
Another Rebel Helmet for you to play with, inspired from the Star Wars movies. The forbidden things you can do with this helmet: Sell the files or the printed helmet for real money! To trade it with other items... In a word, you can't make money with or from these files... The allowed things you can do with this helmet: You can wear it on your head... Share the file with your friends. (in case you want more files like this or you want to help me). It is allowed to be used on YouTube/Facebook/Instagram/TikTok/etc videos or your personal website even if you earn money with these platforms. Be sure to post the builds and what tricks you used for finishing, priming, painting, etc. Do you want a specific helmet model, don't hesitate to leave it in your comment. Again! Do not sell printed or mold casted helmet (or any other method...). This file is just for you to enjoy it for FREE!! Happy printing dear makers!