Ender 5 Plus BTT Smart Filament Sensor Mount
This thing contains two files for converting an Ender 5 Plus to use a BTT Smart Filament Sensor. The first file is a mount that replaces the BTT rear case cover and mounts where the original filament runout sensor did. It uses the same mounting holes and M3 screws. The second is a filament guide for securing the end of the feed tube for direct drive extruder configurations. The PTFE filament feed tubing is secured by a pressure fitting on the guide. The guide has a large conical mouth which accepts the filament without snagging. I have found the gap between the filament runout sensor and the beginning of the feed tube very desirable. The BTT Filament Sensor has a lot of resistance when feeding filament through. Not at all like a simple switch sensor. The gap allows me to feed the filament into the feed tube. However it is perfectly acceptable to attach the PTFE feed tube to the BTT and skip the Filament Guide.