Freenove 7 inch touchscreen case

Freenove 7 inch touchscreen case


This is a case for the Freenove 7 inch raspberry pi touch screen. I would recommend printing with PLA at a low infill amount, as it is much easier to assemble if the parts have a little give to them. There are 2 options for the stand, one is the legs. You will most likely need to print at least 2 legs, but you can print more if you want. These clamp onto the bottom of the rear bezel. \ The other option is an SSD holder that doubles as a stand. This clamps on to the bottom of the rear bezel just like the legs, but also has a place to slide in an SSD. There are no screw mounting points for the SSD, but the honeycomb is wide enough that you can get screws and washers onto the front mounting points if you really needed to. It is pressfit together so the tolerances are fairly tight. You may want to size up the rear bezel slightly (0.1%-1%) if your printer does not do well with tight tolerances. After fitting the case around the screen, set the screen to a black background and look for light bleed around the edges. If there is light bleed, your case is pressed together too tightly and is putting pressure on the screen. Pull the case apart slightly until thats no longer happening.






