Radiomaster TX12 Side Wheels

Radiomaster TX12 Side Wheels


I love my Radiomaster TX12 mkii but I pinch so the sliders on either side need to be at min or max position so I don't feel them between my fingers. At center position I can feel them. Been trying to use trim switches to control screen brightness and volume but could only set them to on and off, while the sliders give me full range of adjustment, but then I have them at center position which means I can feel them and bump them with my fingers. I was just going to cut the nobs off the wheels but figured I would try to print something instead. I found that this set of slider arms for the TX16 fit the internal knob part perfect, so I started with that, shaped it into a wheel, added knurling from an SMA Spinner file, then raised the center a bit to keep it from rubbing on the case. Now I can freely adjust either wheel without the knob getting in the way. Still even retains the center detent since that's build into the switch itself.







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