Fox Phone Holder / Keyring
**Number in file names is a space for a phone in mm For phone thickness of 10-15mm** If you will need other sizes you can resize any model in your slicer Use the equasion: *<Needed space (in milimeters)> divided by <model number> multiplied by 100% = <Needed model size in percent> For example if you need 16mm you can take 15mm version resized to: 16 / 15 * 100% = 106,66% You can also resize 10mm version to 160%* May not be suitable with phone set vertically but it depends on phone size and its weight The smaller the gap between the print and a phone the better chance it will not fall The gap is cut with 16dgr angle but if the hole is bigger than a phone this phone will have a bigger angle --- **To make a keyring** use a Fox model of your choice and add there a keyring model. Both models should be in the exact same position in your slicer. **Then merge both models - see a screen from Cura and PrusaSlicer on the last photo** Keyring model is with a 'frame', a flat surface that will not be printed. This way it is easy to set it in the right spot with a Fox - **Ignore model 'errors' and DO NOT try 'fix' the model** ---