Geometric Star wall art

Geometric Star wall art


**Geometric Star wall design** Default size is around 75 cm 80 pcs (all parts can be print at full size on a standard printer bed) **Credit:** A special thanks to [Arno Sybrandy] [r] for this beautiful make a pictures ( this was printed with bicolor filament (pink and yellow) A.stl need to be printed 8 times B.stl need to be printed 8 times C.stl need to be printed 8 times D.stl need to be printed 8 times E.stl need to be printed 16 times F.stl need to be printed 8 times F1.stl need to be printed 8 times G.stl need to be printed 16 times All parts are numbered on the back and here you can find the numbers assignment : [Geometric Star/Sun wall design (pdf)] [n] **place pieces to the wall:** - use paper mask print pdf it with the same scale of your 3D print. tape it to the wall at the right level then place the first or 2 pieces to the wall then add other pieces like a puzzle game custom scale or custom paper format: you can generate the paper mask with the scale and the paper format that you want using adobe acrobat reader Dc ( free version) it lets you print in "poster" mode and select the paper format that you want. - use projector print one or two page of the paper mask with the same scale of your print and tape it/them to the wall at the right level project the fullsize pdf, scale it and level it to the paper mask **Fix pieces to the wall:** - use velcro tape - use double sided tape - use hot glue - use blu-tack ( you can also add small pieces of paper tape between wall and blu-tack to be sure to not have any traces to the wall) ... **paper mask:** (print on A4 pages without margin and resizing) you can use one page to place your first pieces to be sure to have it at the right level - Full size [geometric Star/Sun wall design fulsize multiA4 (pdf)] [m] - Half size [geometric Star/Sun wall design halfsize multiA4 (pdf)] [o] - Custom: use this [Fullsize pdf file] [o] adapt the dimension and paper format as you want **Follow me** on [Instagram] [p] to see more projects and works in progress [n]: "geometric Star/Sun wall design fulsize(pdf)" [m]: "geometric Star/Sun wall design fulsize multiA4 (pdf)" [o]: "geometric Star/Sun wall design halfsize multiA4 (pdf)" [p]: "@dgemily_2.0" [r]: "Arno Sybrandy"






