BioMech Finger Prosthesis (Index Right Hand)

BioMech Finger Prosthesis (Index Right Hand)


In 2011 I lost my left hand index finger in a work related accident... Bio Mechanical prosthesis are available... but very expensive…. So I decided to learn how to 3D print, I watch learning videos on YouTube on how work with AutoCAD Fusion 360 - It took me from 6 to 8 month to finally figure how to make my own Prosthetic Finger. I made a mold and cast of both of my index fingers, I 3D scan them, imported the scans and started to draw on the digital version of my finger, at the end of this process I end up with the main 3 pieces of the prosthesis, The Ring, The Cup, and using the scan from my good finger, The Finger Tip. Once all print and test the size of the Ring and Cup, I design the pivot joints and the link and tested different configurations to get the correct positions of the pivot points and the length of the link.






