Horseclaw (Nausicaa Bird Mount)

Horseclaw (Nausicaa Bird Mount)


This is my sculpt of a Horseclaw, the bipedal bird creatures featured in Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind (both the 1984 film and the 1982 manga). These cute feathered mounts served as the inspiration for the Chocobo species found in the popular Final Fantasy series. This sculpt has been scaled for tabletop use, and would fit/be sized for a Large miniature, and thus fits on a 50.8mm / 2 inch base (not included). Scale it up or down as you wish. Best printed in resin! Two poses have been included, one that is completely neutral, the other with a little cheeky twist. Both have variants with the beak closed, beaks open, and Shohki Mask equipped. I've included the Blend file with the original model in all of its high poly glory, still broken into pieces. If you are proficient in Blender, feel free to pose and remix this model as you wish as long as you follow the license that this has been uploaded with. I am not offering any Blender support or tutoring on how to do this, sorry! [If you liked this model and want to show your thanks, you can buy me a coffee!]( [And follow me on Instagram!](






