shopping token
Shopping cart token with a container for storing the cart chips Set of 8 pieces (Dogs, Paw, Peace, Yin, Yang, 3D Print, Empty, Heart, plus our 3D Coin free of charge STL 3D printing model High-polygon Great for gifting, also with custom designs (1 coin is empty and offers the possibility to create your own designs). If you encounter difficulties in motif modeling, you can gladly commission model creation from us. Just inquire! Important link on our website Guidance for printing our models: https:/www.qu3d.de7support-en Purpose: Storage container for shopping chips, chip instead of 1€ for shopping carts. Container with sealable lid for the chips The coins for the cylinder include the following 8 STL-3D files: 3DPrint.stl Heart.stl Yin_and_Yang.stl Peace.stl Paw-Coin.stl Qu3D_Shopping_Coin.stl Middle_Finger.stl Shop_Coin_Empty.stl (Your logo abbreviation) Included printing plates with 24x coins: 3DPrint_Shopping_24xCoin.3mf Heart_Shopping_24xCoin.3mf YinYang_Shopping_24xCoin.3mf Peace_Shopping_24xCoin.3mf Paw_Shopping_24xCoin.3mf Finger_Shopping_24xCoin.3mf License Information: These files are available under the "Royalty-Free License". This means that printed or otherwise created versions of this model cannot be used or sold for commercial purposes. Redistribution of the STL files is not allowed. Watermarks and Modifications: The original STL file as well as modified versions must not be altered or sold, as they are protected with a digital, invisible watermark. If you desire changes to the model, please contact the designer, Bernhard Queißer, of QU3D in Germany. He is open to dialogue and will gladly discuss your modification wishes. Design + Copyright: Bernhard Queißer Country of Origin: Germany