Geralt and Yennefer (The Witcher) - Hueforge Print
Never Lost, Always Found. Print at 100% infill with a layer height of 0.08mm with a base layer of 0.16mm Filaments Used: PLA Overture Black Matte Transmission Distance: 3 PLA+ Sunlu Grey Transmission Distance: 2 PLA META Sunlu Red Transmission Distance: 4 PLA Overture Cream Transmission Distance: 3 PLA Sunlu Beige Transmission Distance: 8 PLA+ Sunlu White Transmission Distance: 5 Swap Instructions: Start with Black Matte At layer #12 (1.04mm) swap to Grey At layer #16 (1.36mm) swap to Red At layer #17 (1.44mm) swap to Cream At layer #18 (1.52mm) swap to Beige At layer #24 (2mm) swap to White for the rest. Your filament settings and mine may differ in TD, so best to adjust yours according to your known TD filaments.