T.R.M. G17/G19 Trigger Reset Magazine

T.R.M. G17/G19 Trigger Reset Magazine


###Don't forget to "Click A Like" & check out my other Cool designs and Follow my Weekly dose of KooKoo uploads ;) Ever wanted to Dry Fire your Glonk just like John Wick :)) Here is a brilliant mostly 3D printed magazine that allows you to Dry Fire your G17, G19 all Generations with automatic trigger reset so you no longer need to rack the slide, it's also fully adjustable so your trigger pressure will feel exactly like a competition trigger setup ;) BOM: M5 x 40mm L M5 Hex Nut 2mm Pin x 17mm L AK47 Spring Piece between 40-70mm I've tried 1.25mm-1.4mm diameter wires they also work A special thanks to Cipher_CBK & Todd Kelly for testing this for me <3. If you are interested in other prop firearms, Airsoft parts and designs do join our group on Matrix: https://app.element.io/?pk_vid=f12152aac29bbc4a166549437941781a#/room/#GCI-General:matrix.org !!!Note: I'm always open for suggestion and help on improving the design and proof of concept.



