Pig Pog Poe
This is a board game I designed inspired by some of the 3d tictactoe variants I've seen floating around. The pieces **stack** on each other vertically, but only some **rotations and combinations are physically possible** due to the shaped pegs on the top of the game pieces. Also stacking the pieces in different rotations can change the alignment of the sliding attachments and block some moves. 1. There is no set board. Players may build as far as they like in any direction until someone wins. 2. Players take turns placing one piece from their pile. 3. Pieces must be physically connected to at least one piece that is already in play. 4. Players may not attach a piece below pieces that are already in play. 5. A piece must be moved all the way to the bottom if it is able. However if a slider piece sticks out below it and blocks it, that is fine. Pieces can overhang in the air in this way. However pieces are not allowed to be placed below in this empty space (see rule 4). **Win by creating a path of at least 5** contiguous cubes of your color (they do not have to be in a row. Diagonals do not count), **WITHOUT making a group of 4 first.** This means you must connect two groups of 3 and 1 or more to win. I haven't playtested this, so more work needs to be done to figure out how many and which cubes each player should receive in their starting hand. I have still printed them out and the pieces fit as intended. **Tall versions** of the cubes are also included if printing time is not an issue for you. (And yes, having two different heights of cubes could be an interesting idea to play with but I haven't investigated at all. Feel free.) **No supports or infill necessary** the inner cavities are beveled to avoid the need for supports. The sliding/locking mechanism may vary from printer to printer. The protruding/convex portion of the design tends to shrink more which is why I've added a pigpogpoecalibration.stl for you to quickly determine what settings are best for your printer.