Nikon AF Nikkor 14mm f/2.8D Lens Cap

Nikon AF Nikkor 14mm f/2.8D Lens Cap


IMPORTANT: The cap only fits properly with a ring of ~2mm thick felt fabric applied to the interior wall. Without it the cap will be way too loose. I originally found @Xtruder's Nikon 14mm lens cap, which was a great start. But then my friend and I took it and made some enhancements. Changes: • We rounded the top edge for looks. • Added beveling so there's a nice place to grip the cap. • We widened the diameter so that the interior measurement was 90.5mm so that I could epoxy in a ring of ~2mm thick black felt fabric around the inside. That way the printed PETG didn't scratch the len's paint finish over time as it slips on and off the built in lens hood fins of the 14mm. It took a couple times to get the sizing right. • I used JB Weld Two Part Plastic Epoxy to attach the felt for very strong adhesion. The fit is perfect with the felt I have. Enough retention that I can lift the lens by the cap and it stays on, but comes right off when you want it to. The matte vinyl label I designed in Affinity Designer and had printed by Sticker You.






