Grim Reaper - Dual Lithophane Hueforge Print

Grim Reaper - Dual Lithophane Hueforge Print


This prints as a 'negative' filament painting which means if you hold it up to a light, it serves as a lithophane as well. See the photos for both the effects with and without a back light! This was printed with a 0.2 nozzle at 0.04mm layer height. A 0.4 nozzle can work, if you've calibrated your filament settings. If you want to increase the layer height, you can do so in Hueforge, or if you're brave, doing the math and doubling the layer swap numbers. Print at 100% infill with a layer height of 0.04mm with a base layer of 0.16mm Filaments Used: PLA Sunlu Beige Transmission Distance: 8.2 PLA META Sunlu White Transmission Distance: 9.6 PLA+ Sunlu Grey Transmission Distance: 1.3 PLA Siddament Black Transmission Distance: 0.2 Swap Instructions: Start with Beige At layer #18 (0.84mm) swap to White At layer #28 (1.24mm) swap to Grey At layer #38 (1.64mm) swap to Black for the rest. Your filament settings and mine may differ in TD, so best to adjust yours according to your known TD filaments.






