Spudnik - Team Ireland CanSat European Finals 2023

Spudnik - Team Ireland CanSat European Finals 2023


This is Spudnik, the CanSat which Team Spudnik (Ireland) brought to the CanSat European Finals in Granada 2023. Through a partnership with a local precision engineering company, we were fortunate enough to get the core structure 3D Printed in Titanium (Specifically Ti6AL4V Grade 23) This is Class 3 orthopaedic implant material. These parts were made on a laser powder bed fusion machine from Renishaw. The machine was €875,000 in 2019 And has been making over 45,000 spinal implants per annum since. All other minor components such as the internal structure and GPS mount were made in PLA Inspired by BYU's Collaboration with NASA in exploring rigid-origami-based deployable solar arrays we constructed our own using a blend of 3D Printing, Kapton tape, spring steel (salvaged from lanyards), and two types of Powerfilm solar cells. We designed the can so that it was supported by two paracord lengths attached to the parachute which would thread down through the cover and upper-middle section and attach to the retainer ring. The retainer ring held four false wall sections fixed to the base, these false walls would encase the folded array. Once the retainer ring lifted the walls would rotate away and the solar array would spring out and deploy. Fortunately, we had a successful demonstration on launch day. https://teamspudnik.ie/







3D Printing