Sherman S - Seat

Sherman S - Seat


A seat for the Sherman S. Having used the Sur-Ron seat on my Sherman S for a while I noticed that it pushed against the inner side of my knees which eventually caused pain over time so I wanted to design something that was comfortable but not pushing against my knees and came up with this design. This seat is not as comfortable as a Sur-Ron seat but it's not bad and still plenty comfortable. A large part of the underside consists of holes in patterns, this creates walls on the inside of the seat which creates good support to sit on, after the holes end it's all infill making the top part of the seat soft. This is quite a long print, with a 0.6 nozzle it takes around 40 hours give or take and uses up around 518g of material with the supports, when supports are removed the seat will weigh closer to 450g. Use "Tree" supports, they take less material, less time printing and are easier to remove, if you have a large printbed you could print it lying down flat, since I have a smaller bed I have it at an angled such as in the STL. Print with TPU95A, to mimic my results which I am quite happy with print using a 0.6 nozzle and these settings: Line Width: 0.6 Walls/Perimeters: 3 Infill: 6.5% Gyroid If you use a different size nozzle you might need to experiment with the settings, for instance with a 0.4 nozzle you might need slightly more infill and with a larger one you would need less, also the softness is subjective, I like my seats somewhat firm to give good support.






