TS100 Soldering Iron Type-C mod (PD decoy/trigger)

TS100 Soldering Iron Type-C mod (PD decoy/trigger)


For all USB Type-C lovers! Inspired by [this post](https://hackaday.com/2019/11/01/adding-usb-c-to-the-ts100/) You have to desolder DC barrel socket from main PCB before installing this mod. Try to not destroy the PCB (it is 4-layer job, with excessive force it bends easily and may crack) and don't rip off copper vias while pulling connector out. If it makes you sick watch some soldering trick clips how to remove parts with multiple pins at the same time. Clear the solder from two slot vias (for negative) close to round via (for positive). The plastic case also should be cut a bit for the new socket shape. Use the smallest PD trigger (width should be not more than 10mm, PCB length <14mm, some edge shaving may be required) with a receptacle (it may stand out the PCB edge a few mm). It should support PD3.0 and got 20V option. All components should be at the top layer only, the bottom layer should be completely flat. Place a piece of Kapton tape between main PCB and trigger board to avoid short current. Glue PD trigger board to the tape so leads can be inserted into two slot vias (see photo). Solder power leads (avoid short-circuit). A trigger board now should be firmly fixed onto main PCB. Insert main PCB into the soldering iron case. Type-C receptacle should fit for the plug hole. Insert the spacer piece. It should fit between the remains of DC jack hole and the USB receptacle. It shouldn't wobble between side walls of the case (you may add some tape to reduce the gap). Also it shouldn't touch MCU board. Install the bottom cover of the case. It should snag closely and fix the printed piece inside. Try to press onto the trigger board through the hole in the case, it should not skid or fall inside. Fixing the trigger board is essential cause loosen board can break the leads or rip copper traces from PCB when USB plug is being connected and pulled by the cable. Bonus screen mod: Original OLED has cyan color. Kapton tape blocks blue light. Single layer makes display white. More layers shift color to yellow and orange but it will become more dim (brightness can be adjusted in firmware settings). Power status LED: If you feeling fancy and got steady hands you can move LED from the trigger board to the connector with thin enameled wires. Or if you board don't have one, connect SMD LED to PD power output with a 22kOhm series resistor.






