Underpass/Tunnel + Garage with Car Park Diorama (For Hot Wheels & 1/64 Scale Cars)

Underpass/Tunnel + Garage with Car Park Diorama (For Hot Wheels & 1/64 Scale Cars)


###Any suggestion is welcomed! Feel free to join my Facebook group to let me know what you want: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1115757609295068 ###Custom display base are also available from $5! Contact me to discuss what you want! ###If you like my work, consider support me through Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/gigapenguin3dprints/posts Description ==================== The diorama is based on underpass and/or tunnel designs with a top area to be use as car park or placement for garage diorama that I made previously. Checkout my showcase video: https://youtu.be/j_7p2QrvFLs I have also included 2 variants that is just a car park on top: With fence (Only the top is shown in this screenshot): https://i.imgur.com/YY5S2Gy.jpg No fence: https://i.imgur.com/z63gsZ1.jpg The diorama is separated into multiple parts for easy printing. All files are packed into a zip files and arranged in folder as follow: ###1) Lower Base: - BaseV2 - Bottom - Pt1 - Walled.STL - BaseV2 - Bottom - Pt1.STL - BaseV2 - Bottom - Pt2.STL (Print 2x) - BaseClip.STL (Print 22x) - BaseV2 - Bottom - Pt3 - Walled.STL - BaseV2 - Bottom - Pt3.STL ###2) Lower Flat Base: - FlatBase - 2 Lane Road (Actual Size).STL (Print 4x) ###3) Pillars: - CrossBeam.STL (Print 6x) - SideDividerBase.STL - Tpillar.STL (Print 3x) ###4) Lower Walls: - TunnelMainWallV2.STL (Print 2x) - WallPillarV3.STL ###5) Upper Base: - MirrorUpperFloors.STL (Print 2x) - UpperFloors.STL (Print 2x) ###6) Ceiling: - Ceiling - Mirror.STL (Print 2x) - Ceiling.STL (Print 2x) ###7) Upper Base Cover: - MirrorUpperFloorCover - Wall.STL - MirrorUpperFloorCover.STL - UpperFloorCover - Wall.STL - UpperFloorCover.STL ###8) Upper Flat Base (There are multiple variant, pick 1): ###i) Same build as seen in videos print these: - UpperFlatBase2 - Plain - No Sidewalk.STL (Print 2x) - UpperFlatBase2 - Plain - Small Sidewalk.STL - UpperFlatBase2 - Plain.STL ###ii) Car Park only build print these: - UpperFlatBase2 - Plain - No Sidewalk.STL (Print 2x) - UpperFlatBase3 - Car Park.STL - UpperFlatBase3 - Car ParkMirror.STL ###iii) Car Park only build but no fence print these: - UpperFlatBase2 - Plain - No Sidewalk.STL (Print 2x) OR - UpperFlatBase3 - 1 Line - No Sidewalk.STL (Print 2x) - UpperFlatBase3 - Car Park - No Fence.STL ###9) Upper Wall & Fence: - CarParkWall - Shorten.STL (Print 2x) - WallPillarV3 - CarPark.STL - MirrorWallMesh3 - Cut.STL (Skip if printing variant iii) - MirrorWallMesh3.STL (Skip if printing variant iii) - WallMesh3 - Cut.STL (Skip if printing variant iii) - WallMesh3.STL (Skip if printing variant iii) ###Optional - Giga's Mega Garage Roof + Support Pillar: - ExtraSupport - Side.STL (Print 2x) - ExtraSupport - Center.STL - LED Cover 2 - Wired.STL (For “Giga's Mega Garage” to fit LED strip) - HighwayGuardrail - Straight.STL (For no fence build) Optional parts screenshot: https://i.imgur.com/DcIeHJn.jpg Additional Parts Used In My Build ==================== - LED strips (for lighting the garage and the underpass/tunnel area) - HO scale light pole (as additional lighting outside the garage and car park) - Step Up Power Controller to convert 5V USB power to 12V to run LED strip - 400 ohm resistor to reduce voltage to run 3V HO scale light pole - M2.5 bolt & nuts (at least 8x set) - Plenty of double sided tape (For taping base to flat base) - Good glue for holding the main pillars in place (Highly recommend to use glue since the upper area is held up by just the T-pillars and its cross beams) Print Settings ==================== Nozzle size = 0.5 mm (0.4 will be printable and smaller better) Layer height = 0.2 mm Filament change layer for colours on "FlatBase - 2 Lane Road (Actual Size).STL": 1) Start (Road lines colour, mine is in white) 2) Layer 5 (Overall road colour, mine is in black) Filament change layer for colours on "UpperFlatBase2 - Plain - Small Sidewalk.STL" & “UpperFlatBase2 - Plain.STL”: 1) Start (Overall road colour, mine is in black) 2) Layer 8 (Sidewalk colour, mine is in grey) Assembly (Based on my photos build) ==================== The car is just placed on the diorama, there are no holes to tie the cars down by wire. Check out my assembly video to give you a better idea on how the build suppose to go: https://youtu.be/MPptvMJKEiw ###Extra For the garage seen in the photos and video, you can get them here: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5665737 Others ==================== Feel free to send me any feedback on how to improve the design. Suggestion on display base designs are welcomed too. I can be contacted through Instagram or Twitter too: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1115757609295068 Twitter: https://twitter.com/Giga_Penguin Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/GigaPenguin3DPrinting/ ####Custom display base designs are available from $5! Contact me to discuss what you want!



