Meteorology Maps

Meteorology Maps


The Bureau of Meteorology (BOM), Australia, has vast amounts of publicly available data, often displayed in graphs or maps that use colour to communicate key information. Inspired by a diagram in a Year 7 Geography textbook, and using the data from BOM, we've made tactile maps showing the average rainfall and mean temperature across Australia and Victoria. Source maps can be found on the BOM website: ##Average rainfall There are two models providing a 3D representation of average annual rainfall in Australia/Victoria from 1991-2020. Height is used to show the amount of rainfall, and the model can be painted to match the source, providing multiple modes of access for students. ###Australia The lowest part of the model represents the 100mm-200mm band (central Australia). The highest points on the map represent areas with greater than 3000mm of rainfall (western Tasmania and northeastern Queensland). The scale is not linear – 100, 200, 300, 400, 600, 1000, 1500, 2000, 3000 and above. ###Victoria The map of Victoria is a 'zoomed in' version of the Australia map. The lowest part of the map represents the 200-300mm band (north-western Victoria, around Mildura/Ouyen), the highest part of the map represents the 1500-2000mm band (around Falls Creek in the alpine region in the north east, and one small spot near Cape Otway on the south-west coast). ##Mean temperature There are two models providing a 3D representation of average annual rainfall in Australia/Victoria from 1991-2020. Height is used to show the average mean temperature, and the model can be painted to match the source, providing multiple modes of access for students. The scale is linear – 3 degrees for each step. ###Australia The lowest part of the model represents the 3-6 degrees band (alpine region in VIC/NSW and central Tasmania). The highest points on the map represents the 27-30 degrees band (northern Australia, including parts in WA, NT and QLD). ###Victoria The map of Victoria is a 'zoomed in' version of the Australia map. The lowest part of the map represents the 6-9 degrees band (several spots around the alpine region in the north-east of the state) The highest part of the map represents the 15-18 degrees band (much of the northern half of the state, as well as some areas around the coast near Melbourne and east Gippsland).






