Universal Battery Capacity Tester for 18650, AA, AAA or Wire

Universal Battery Capacity Tester for 18650, AA, AAA or Wire


Universal battery tester it designed for easy capacity testing multiple battery types. Original it was designed for 2x18650 batteries at the same time, or 1. battery slot for wire conection throught banana conecor on side (switch for this change is on a left side). With adapters is posible use capacity tester for other battery types. This adapters are for test purposes only NEVER use it for powering devices or try charging these! Capacity tester use ceramic resistors for discharging energy. This resistor can reach 80°C if its on a table withnout cooling. So this design use one 30mm FAN and small heatsinks for better cooling. Resistor connection diagram on image. Switches on top panel are for change resistivity value. On each switch is in left coner value 1 or 2 it is matcher with big number above battery slot or next capacity circuit. Numbers on left and right side of each switch are resistivity values. Values ares design for current little under 1A. 1.5Ω for NiMh batteries 5Ω for Lion or Li-pol 12,5 for any battery over 5V (this is avaible only on number 1) How are resistors and switches connected together its seen on one picture in gallery. For construction it is necessary soldering iron and electrical tape or glue gun. I recommend to use crimp terminals. If you don't understand how this works do not build this! Battery dont have protection so with wrong soldering you can create short circuit. Resistor can reach high temperature, without proper cooling it can melt thought plastics parts. Parts Necessarily: 2x 18650 Case with spring 2x 18650 Li-ion Lithium Battery Capacity Meter with Shell ( https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005001408374504.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.order_list_main.408.d43c1802mQmcKE ) 4x 10Ω 5W resistor 2x 1,25Ω 5W resistor 1x 7,5 Ω 5W resistor 1x Universal DPS 6x4cm 1x 30mm 5V Fan 4x 230V Switch for 3A or more (look at picture with switch dimesion) 1x Red and Black Banana socket (4mm version) 2x Short Micro USB connector ( https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005002157154494.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.order_list_main.321.2f2c1802Sjpstq ) 8x Short M2 screw (around 10mm) 2x M2 Nut 8x M2.5x16 or longer 8x M3x10 or longer 4x M3 nut (for FAN) 2m thicker wires for batery and resistor conection at least 0,75mm^2 0,5m 2wire cable for powering fan and capacity circuits Reccomended: 10x 11x11x5(6)mm Heatsink with termal tape ( https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000303524775.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.order_list_main.306.d43c1802mQmcKE ) 1x Usb-C panel conector (15mm between holes) Adapters: 2x Screw M4x20 2x Screw M4x20 It is possible use steel screws, but for better conductivity i recommended full copper screw. ( https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005004826640635.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.order_list_main.24.2f2c1802Sjpstq ) 2x M4 Inserteds Nut (It hold without them but much weaked)






