Project Life Size Diva

Project Life Size Diva


Project Life Size Diva is basically exactly what it sounds like, a desire to print a life sized Hatsune Miku, so I found a model that looked great, scaled it up and began to cut it down to fit on my printer. All files are sized to fit on an ender 3 pro. At this time I've managed to prepare the arms, legs and head, next to be finalized is the body, however I'm beginning to get a bit worried about the weight on all of the connections so I'm exploring ways to either decrease mass or secure the connections more securely, with this in mind the arms are the most secure and least likely to be affected by any changes I may make. The included STL files are the individual prints, but the GCODE files are pre sliced to minimize the number of prints needed to finish, if you have a different printer you may need to arrange and slice the files yourselves.






