Wearble Space Marine Backpack

Wearble Space Marine Backpack


++ INCOMING TRANSMISSION++ ++RECEIVED++ ++DECRYPTING…++ ++DECRYPTION SUCCESSFUL++ ++DATA CORRUPTION DETECTED++ ++MESSAGE INTEGRITY COMPROMISED++ ++MESSAGE VERACITY UNKNOWN++ ++DECRYPTED TEXT FOLLOWS++ FROM Enginseer_K TO ALL MECHANICUS PERSONNEL, JADE CLEARANCE OR HIGHER -Thought for the Day: Only in Death, Does Duty End Inspired by a Tweet: https://twitter.com/CastellanArdias/status/1700812818306539877 This is a prototype. I stopped designing for no-supports long ago but they can still probably be minimized. Anything with a part number can be found at McMaster-Carr. Thinginverse scrambled the order I uploaded the files in but the BOM below tells you how many of each you need. My printers are currently sequestered, or I would start making it myself. You'll need a pretty big one. Ender5 or thereabouts. I might make a version for smaller printers later. I worked on this non-stop for about 3 days, so I'm gonna' step away from it for a while. Images show the placement of alignment dowels, magnets, hardware, and threaded heat inserts. If there’s no hardware, it’s meant to be attached with adhesive. I would recommend using an epoxy. Sanding, filing, and/or reaming is expected, I kept the tolerances pretty tight. 4 alignment dowels attach the lower and upper shells, two align the ring to the upper shell. DON’T glue the ring lid to the ring unless you only want the top lid to work. Use the good engineering/design sense that the Omnissiah gave you to decide what infills and wall thicknesses you should use. I’d make all the strap retention at least 50%, maybe 100%. Both lids are kept closed with magnets and aligned with epoxied dowels. The strap retention can accept anything up to 2” wide. The exact scheme is up to you. I don’t have time to get into it with the war on. You can print the strap retention in black to keep it concealed. Paint or print it in your desired color. Applied heraldry should be done at the discretion of your Astartes charges. Gloria Omnissiah and good luck. P.S. – shoutout to Riconeid for the model I used for reference (https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5371564) Item Quantity Part number Description 1 1 Upper Shell 2 1 Lower Shell 3 1 Lid Base 4 2 Ball Interface 5 1 Shell Ring 6 1 Lid 7 1 Lid Cover 8 2 Exhaust Ball 9 2 Exhaust Ball Vent 10 2 Ball Armor 11 2 Upper Shell Detail 12 2 Lower Shell Detail 13 4 Lid Base Detail 14 1 Other Lid Base Detail 15 2 Hinge Top Half 16 2 Hinge Bottom Half 17 2 Top Strap Retention 18 1 Bottom Strap Retention Base 19 2 Bottom Strap Retention Beam 20 2 Bottom Strap Retention Stop 21 2 M4 Socket Head Screw, 20mm long 22 2 Ball to Vent Alignment Dowel 23 2 1/4"-20 Socket Head Screw, 1.75" long 24 2 1/4"-20 Locknut 25 2 Ring Lid Alignment Dowels 26 4 Upper Shell to Lower Shell Alignment Dowels 27 4 (5862K103) 1/4" Neodymium Magnets 28 8 M4 Socket Head Screw, 14 mm long 29 10 (94180A351)M4 Threaded Heat Inserts






