Armiger/Onager Body Swap Adapters
My personal adaptation of the hottest new conversion trend sweeping the world: Onager Warglaives and Armiger Dunecrawlers! There's a few similar models out there already but I didn't see anything specifically for sticking the Onager body onto the Armiger legs, and I wanted the Armiger-on-Onager adapter to add some extra clearance height to minimize interference between the legs and weapons, so I made my own. These do require modification of the 'ball' half of the waist joints on both minis, I didn't think to take pictures of the Onager legs when it was done a few weeks ago, but both are a nearly identical process so hopefully the in-progress pic of the Armiger legs will make it clear. The important thing is not to widen the hole after removing the ball side of the joint, these are designed to fit snugly in the diameter of the hole that remains after you cut it off and sand/file the surface flush.