Even Scarier Singing Skull (?)
3D Printed Even Scarier Singing Skull (?) 9/17/2023 - Version 1 Continuing on with making props, I present an even scarier singing skull (maybe). It is designed like all the other props. I don't plan on printing this for myself. I'm making these designs available for others to give back to the community that I have benefited from over the years. If you do print this, I would be very interested in seeing your work and any suggestions for improvements. While I have looked at the pieces and ensured they fit on a printer, I can't promise there isn't any errors. Please let me know if there is and I will correct as quickly as I can. All of the needed pieces are in the ZIP file. If you are keeping the original Skull and want to make it scarier: Reprint Parts: Part 1 Part 5 Part 8 Part 10 Part 20 Parts X1-X5 Print all the mouth pieces (M1-M6) to replace the previous mouth. Print both eyes (LE and RE) If you are keeping the scarier skull and make it even more scary: Reprint Parts: Part 10 Part 20 Parts X1-X3 Print: Both eyes (LE and RE). Description: It is composed of 36 separate pieces. (there are 2 test pieces used to test print and don't attach to the skull). Most pieces are 6mm thick with a 2mm thick raised edge that is 10mm high. This has proven to be plenty strong through several New York Winters, using PLA+ material. Its approximate size is 830mm wide x 1100mm high (33in x 44in). It holds 158 pixels. I know it is a lot of pieces and may be complex to put together. I hope it is worth the effort! I've had my printed props (PLA+) out in the Upstate NY weather the last 2 seasons and they held up very nicely. No damage and still going strong. Might be different in hot environments but these aren't bothered by the cold or strong winds. I don't do anything fancy to put them in the yard. A simple metal electrical conduit making a horizontal hanging point (zip tied) and some other pieces driven into the ground to zip tie the props to, to prevent swinging and turning in the wind. Printer: Each piece is sized to fit on an Ender 5 Pro printing bed (they fit in a 220x220mm bed). The eyes and the nose pieces go to the very edges. Should be able to at least print several pieces at one time but this won't always be the case. To make the dove tailing work with a good fit, I do set the Horizontal Expansion to -0.21. (your's will be differnt) I created several small "test pieces" so you could set up printer without wasting much material. The two test pieces will allow you to trial your dove tail fit. XLights: There is an Xlights custom model provided for this prop. Faces and Submodels are defined. Thanks to HAJunkie2022 for putting this together.